Monday, August 31, 2020

Happy Monday!!

Hello Ion Family!

5th Grade MOVE UP DAY is this week!

  • Thursday Sept 3:  A Group 9:00 - 10:00 (ATOMS)

  • Friday Sept 4:  B Group 9:00 - 10:00 (BONDS)

  • Parents will drop off students at 9:00 and pick up at 10:00. (check out the map)


Fifth (and seventh) grade students get a chance to practice getting dropped off at school, saying bye for the day (in this case an hour), get a temperature check-in, walk through the building (!!!) and even peek in the ION classrooms. Our team will then go outside to do two fun get-to-know-you activities, then rehearse the end of day pick up right where you dropped them off.  This is an optional event with no academic components.  Team ION will be getting together in person with Group A and Group B separately.

Healthy school

We are very fortunate to have 2 onsite nurses: Ainee Commichau and Wendy Tomlinson both of whom are up to date, experienced  health professionals who also happen to be parents of students in our district and school.  They have worked tirelessly to prepare the staff and the community for the routines and expectations we will implement when attending middle school in the age of COVID-19.  Here is the most recent BRMS Health Office Letter.

This information may not answer all of your health related questions. Our school RNs, the health experts at BRMS, can be contacted by calling the main school number: 899-3711 or by email If it is a question your classroom teachers can answer we encourage you to cc all three teachers on your emails: Kate (, Holly Nicolle (  and Martha (

Here is a reminder about the FIRST WEEK’s hybrid (day-to-day) schedule.  We will be linking the ATOMS and BONDS’ schedules to our blog next week. Ultimately we will be sending them also home digitally to students/ families, and we will have a BIG poster in class to remind everyone here. 









Play all day long!





During the first week of school - week of 9/8 - we will only be meeting with students in-person.  There will be no virtual, at-home, classes these first four days of school.  Once we are able to distribute schedules and computers, the virtual (at home) classes will begin the week of 9/14.

TOMORROW reminder- We hope to see you (virtually) for our watermelon welcome tomorrow (8/1)  at 6 pm. It will be an hour long and you will receive the link to our Google Meet sometime in the afternoon. This is a social gathering, so if you have specific questions regarding your child, please email the teachers. We appreciate it! 

Finally, getting the year rolling takes a lot of planning, a lot of Oopsie Daisies that we try to correct ASAP, a lot of fun and a lot of routines that are introduced, reinforced, then internalized really quickly. If this is your first introduction to BRMS you can trust we are an ION family and family takes care of each other! 

We are (positively) charged up!

Martha, Kate and Holly

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