Tuesday, September 8, 2020



What a great day! One student asked sadly at 12:00 if the day was already over. Talk about tired! Good thing there are rest days to build stamina.
The Bonds brought their computers, charging cords, the carrying case  home this afternoon. These are BRAND SPANKING NEW computers and they even have touch screens!  The computers stay with them for 4 years. When I told them all of my computer...shall we say...  mishaps they quickly saw that their cases are super padded and snug. They will keep their cords at home, only bringing to school their charged computers when they are in person. We reviewed how to use their MMUUSD log-ins, they chose a personalized password,  and all are signed up for their Google Classrooms. There were a few blips but by next week we will be up and running.  The Atoms will follow suit on Thursday.
In a folder that will travel back and forth between home and school is a paper copy of their schedule as promised. Please keep this copy and send the folder back with your child.
Just a reminder  that because we are so focused on making personal connections that virtual learning  won't begin until next week. 
We cannot wait to be with the Atoms on Thursday!

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